In the early days after your baby is born, it can be very stressful – not knowing what the baby wants, sleep deprivation, managing time, and establishing breastfeeding.
Let me help you understand your baby’s wants and needs a little better, let’s discuss your progress with breastfeeding, let’s talk about taking time for yourself and as a couple.
During the session we will talk about:
When your baby just won’t go to sleep
When your baby cries all the time
Feed-Play-Sleep routines
Baby cues
Self care
Keeping your relationship safe
Sleep deprivation
I will also weigh baby and work out their quota if you are formula feeding or expressing breastmilk.
Most visits take 60-90 minutes, can be short notice after 5.30pm, or anytime on the weekend.
Cost is $150 per session
Submit an enquiry or send me a text, I will answer that day.
I am a Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife and Child and Family Health Nurse.
Nothing is in surmountable – you’re doing a great job!
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