How will I know if I’m in labour?

A due date is not that date your baby will be born on. Only 7% of babies are born on their due date. Rather it’s a calculation of the estimated due date. A grown baby or “term” baby is any pregnancy that measures 37 – 42 weeks. That’s 5 weeks that baby is due. It’s a very long month. Most babies are born 39 – 41 weeks.

A sign that baby will be here soon is engagement of the baby’s head in the pelvis – that’s when 3/5ths of the baby’s head is in the pelvis. A mucous plug that sits in the cervix comes away. It often has streaky blood in it which is fine. Vaginal discharge may increase. Some nausea and diarrhea. Needing to wee all the time. Increased back ache.

You will know if you are in labour.

If you have to ask the question “Am I in labour?”. You’re not.  Because labour really hurts. Not a little pain in your lower back, not crampy pains lower down. They maybe the lead up to labour but they are not true labour. Because true labour REALLY HURTS. The pain actually starts at the top of your uterus but you really feel it in your lower uterus as the cervix is opening.

So you need to distract yourself from the aches and pains you feel in the lead up to labour. Watch a movie, do the ironing, clean out a cupboard – your partner will appreciate putting it all back in before you come home from the hospital. Listen to music, phone a friend, have a sleep. Relax. Baby is not going to come out if his/her mother is all stressed

Warm wishes