When your waters break

Unlike in the movies where there is a mad panic when the waters break and the birth of the baby happens literally minutes later, the breaking of your waters is less dramatic. For only 15% of women, their waters break before labour begins. Most women, their waters break in labour. The waters or amniotic fluid

Labour pain is such an individual thing – we all relate to it differently. What do you relate to? Pain avoiding These women take a proactive position – to avoid all pain in labour. Women who have this attitude have taken the cultural message about pain in labour and run with it. They are highly

I’m Not Good at Relaxing

When it comes to birth you have to relax. You have think relax. You have to do things that make you relax. You have to practise relaxing at home. This is so your hormones work properly. The midwife has no control over your hormones. They are in your body and how they are balanced can

OMG will my vagina ever be the same again? Childbirth – we don’t want it to hurt, we don’t want to tear. A tear in the perineum is a tear in the space between the vagina and anus. There are different types of perineal tears: 1st degree tear – superficial, skin and mucosa only. It’s

Blood volume actually increases by 50% in pregnancy–pregnant women actually make anextra 1250ml blood. So women can actually afford to lose a little bit of blood following birth.And this is normal. What is not normal is bleeding in pregnancy or bleeding during labour. It means something is happening to the placenta–it needs immediate attention. Call

A due date is not that date your baby will be born on. Only 7% of babies are born on their due date. Rather it’s a calculation of the estimated due date. A grown baby or “term” baby is any pregnancy that measures 37 – 42 weeks. That’s 5 weeks that baby is due. It’s