When your waters break

Unlike in the movies where there is a mad panic when the waters break and the birth of the baby happens literally minutes later, the breaking of your waters is less dramatic. For only 15% of women, their waters break before labour begins. Most women, their waters break in labour.

The waters or amniotic fluid is full of nutrients that the baby swallows and pees out. It is a sterile environment. It should be a clear or straw colour. At term (37 – 42 weeks) there is about 1 litre of fluid in the uterus. When the waters break on their own it is called SROM (spontaneous rupture of membranes). They can break in a gush in front of the baby’s head or they can break behind the baby’s head causing a trickle. If you are unsure if your waters have broken or it’s just urine, put a pad on and check it in an hour. If it’s wet, it’s likely to be the waters. Then you need to call your birth unit. You’ll be asked to come it, monitored and a plan of action will be made. To start the labour or wait a bit.

When waters break in labour, the labour usually accelerates. It is preferable that waters break on their own. The fluid is useful for getting baby’s head into the right position. Sometimes the waters are broken using a small hook. This is called and ARM (artificial rupture of membranes). It doesn’t hurt as the sack that hold the waters has no nerves. Always ask why your doctor or midwife wants to break your waters, sometimes it’s not the right thing to do. A faster labour may not be what you want and it may upset your progress.

Sometimes the waters are brown or green. Meconium stained liquor. Baby has done a poo inside often because the baby has been stressed. If labour hasn’t started it needs to start. You will be monitored throughout your labour. Your baby is likely to be suctioned at birth. Often there is a paediatrician in the room. We don’t want meconium on the vocal cords. It could result in baby needing the NICU.

For some women their waters break impossibly early in their pregnancy. They need to be in hospital, the risk of premature birth too great. The interesting thing about amniotic fluid is that the body keeps making it so the baby is never dry.

Warm wishes